Bipolar Disorder is characterized by shifts in mood and energy levels. People with Bipolar Disorder have periods of extreme highs (mania) and/or extreme lows (depression) that may last for 1-2 weeks or more. 

There are many myths and misconceptions about Bipolar Disorder…

Myths about Bipolar Disorder

Myth: People with Bipolar Disorder have mood swings throughout the day. 
Fact: People with Bipolar Disorder have highs and lows that are very different from mood swings. People with Bipolar Disorder have extreme changes in energy, sleep, and activity that may last days, weeks, or months at a time. 

Myth: Someone with mood swings has Bipolar Disorder. 
Fact: Mood swings are a normal part of life! However, if mood swings are long-lasting, frequent, and causing distress, it may be an indicator of a psychiatric disorder.

Myth: People with bipolar disorder are always in a state of depression or mania. 
Fact: People with bipolar disorder can experience long periods of balanced moods, also known as euthymia. They may also experience a “mixed episode,” which has depressive and manic features at the same time. 

Myth: Mania is a happy feeling. 
Fact: While some manic episodes might feel like a high, some individuals may experience the following symptoms while manic:

  • Extreme irritability
  • Psychotic symptoms, including delusions
  • Impulsive or erratic behavior

Myth: People with Bipolar Disorder cannot live healthy, fulfilling lives. 
Fact: There are treatments that may allow a person with Bipolar Disorder to live a healthy, fulfilling life. Treatment adherence is connected to better outcomes, which means people who work with healthcare providers and follow their treatment plan may be able to better participate in work, social, and community activities. Treatment is often life-changing and life-saving for people with Bipolar Disorder.

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